Why is Updating Old Content So Important?

Why is Updating Old Content So Important?

The battle for high ranking between businesses has been turning greater day by day. With the growing number, they need to stay highly relevant and strictly ahead of their competition in the industry. Meanwhile, updating old content on your website is a tactic often overlooked that can boost your SEO and bring in more business. But, how does it do that, and why is it so important? Let’s find out!

Improved Blog Traffic

Even if you have hired the most Expert SEO Company, you may not get the desired results if the content on your website is outdated.

Content creation takes a lot of time. Coming up with ideas is not a one-man job nor can it be done in a couple of days. However, re-doing an article takes a lot less effort and time. Updating your content gives you an increased potential to generate more traffic towards your blog. Now obviously, this doesn’t mean that you have to put a stop to your content creation efforts. But that refreshing old content not only allows you to drive extra traffic but can also inspire and spark a couple of new ideas in your brain.

Ensuring Factual Accuracy

In this rapidly changing world, fake news and misinformation are now more common than ever. This increases the responsibility on the businesses to accurately verify any and everything before publishing. Trust is one of the factors that helps businesses immensely. And that comes from authenticity. So, even if your articles had been fact-checked multiple times before getting published, it is important to go back and update them. As for the information, it is most probably outdated. This will help you grow faith within your customers and greatly improve your business and customer retention.

Improved SEO

Search engines like Google turn smarter with each passing second. This is why their SEO techniques are improved throughout the process. They are designed to prioritize up-to-date, fresh content according to the liking of the users. When you go in and update your old articles, the search engines know that your content has been revised, updated, and is up to the mark to be recommended to its users. This way a significant increase in relevance and rankings is observed which eventually helps you improve blog traffic.

Increased Audience Engagement

Not every reader will necessarily find your new articles. If, in case, someone finds one of your old articles, you want them to stay there and read it. Now, it is pretty obvious that the reader wouldn’t be hooked to stale and old content. Especially something that has quoted outdated facts and figures and isn’t relevant in today’s world. Your aim should be a piece of evergreen content that keeps your reader engaged and increases the time they spend on your website.

How To Refresh Old Content?

Now that you’ve understood the importance of updating old content, you need to determine what articles of yours have the potential to drive more traffic. After that, you need to update them to align them with your SEO goals. Following are some of the ways to do so:

  • Correct Errors – Even if you make no changes to your articles, this is something that should be a priority on your to-do list. Correcting all errors including spelling errors, broken links and statistics will improve the trust between you and your reader and there are no chances of them staying on your page and also recommending it to someone else.
  • Update the Keywords – Revisit your keywords lists for the article you’re updating. Especially if it is a few years old, you’ll find that the old keywords like d2l mnsu weren’t optimized according to the right content. Implement the current up-to-date SEO strategies and try to rank higher than before.
  • Update all the Information and Aesthetics – Re- cite stats, data, and any updated accurate relevant data that is available. Identify any current internal linking opportunity and while you’re at it, update the outbound links as well. Your content should be presented in a modern structure that is appealing and engaging. Use images, data tables, social sharing buttons, etc.
  • Ensure that your site is Mobile-Friendly – Mobile performance certainly plays a huge role in google rankings, regardless of how well your website performs on desktop. Therefore, make sure that the buttons are sizable, images are placed correctly and the content is presented in short paragraphs. If your website isn’t smooth on mobile, consider hiring the best web design agency, i.e., Mapit Marketing Group to ensure you have a mobile-friendly website. This will reflect in your Google rankings as well.

In all, refreshing old content still remains the best way to earn blog traffic, increase engagement and capitalize on efforts you’ve already made.