Why 2018 is the year of video advertising (and how to plan your next video ad campaign)

If you are serious about the impact that your digital marketing strategies should have on sales and business generation, use 2018 to focus on video advertising.

Why, you ask?

To start, video ads have the highest click-through rate (CTR) of all digital ad formats. This means that people watching your video ads have a higher probability to click on them, visit your website and convert.

On top of this, the global video ad spending is growing every year,  reaching $20B by 2020 in the US alone. If you don’t join the trend, you will simply be left behind.

I know, you are probably having all sort of questions popping into your mind right now:

  • Which video ads work best for my specific product/service?
  • Which ad platform can give me the highest return on ad spent?
  • How should I allocate my budget?
For video advertising to work, you need to get lots of things right. That’s why I put together the most comprehensive and up to date research on video advertising that’s now available for free online.
You can read the full guide here.