How to Mobilize Your Business Through Google My Business

Whether you are a small or large business, times are tough during the current crisis of COVID-19. This is why your store can benefit from focusing on your local area and local customers, who are unable to travel far. 

In this article, we share with you some of the necessary insights for strengthening local awareness of your business through Google My Business. 

Interested to know more? Then let us get right on with it!

What is Google My Business?

Google My Business basically is a digital business card. This featured snippet by Google allows businesses to share key information such as opening hours, websites, images, and offers. Any business can sign up for a Google My Business profile and fill it out the information accordingly to verify their business.

Why do you need to use Google My Business for your business?

Google My Business helps your business in several ways. First of all the My Business feature presents the searcher for the key information of your business. It gives users a great impression that your business is certified and serious. 

Google My Business is also a great way to promote the relevant products and services of your business. If your business has more than one shop, your business can benefit from creating separate profiles for each store. Locally your business will be featured in the local searches of someone looking for a clothing store, local gallery, or cafe. 

Google MyBusiness During Covid-19 Outbreak

Google is like any other business deeply aware of the societal happenings. During the recent outbreak of COVID-19, Google even adapted features to help businesses give notice about their changes in business hours. This was apparent since most shops were closed and in some countries still are. Google My Business functioned in this way as a brilliant tool for businesses to strengthen their position, guiding their customers to their online shops or other alternative solutions. Below you will find an example of this in the “post” section of Google My Business.

Why is Google My Business good for SEO and driving sales?

According to a survey conducted by BrightLocal, Google My Business benefits you both when customers are searching directly for your business but also in related searches like, categories, products, or services that collide with your business.

The study also shows that most of the Google My Business listings are related to related searched, and not direct brand searches! There is therefore a great potential in optimizing your Google My Business for the related search where your business could potentially be found.

How to mobilize Google My Business for your Business

If you are new to using Google My Business there are some preliminary steps for you to fill out:

  1. Business Name
  2. Category of your Business
  3. Physical address
  4. Website and phone number
  5. Photos of your business
  6. The opening hours

If you are looking to be even more creative with your business, you might want to take a closer look at the “post” section. Posts allow you to inform your customers on special matters such as new offers, events, and local announcements. At the moment this might be regarding certain precautions for customers when visiting your store. Or if your store is closed, you can direct customers to your online website.

To learn more about how you can update your store’s information on Google Maps and gain local visibility watch this short video guide by Google Webmasters.


Nick Loggie:
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