How To Build An Efficient Legal Blog Content Calendar

How To Build An Efficient Legal Blog Content Calendar

Legal blogging is an accessible but efficient law firm content marketing strategy. Even small law firms can gain significant ROI for their marketing and SEO ventures.

That said, you can only gain maximum ROI on legal blogging if you maintain two crucial things: 1.) high-quality, complete, and user-friendly content; and 2.) consistent posting.

The above requirements can be challenging to achieve. After all, you want to publish as much as you can without reducing the quality of the legal content you post. However, putting yourself in a time crunch might lead you to rush and overlook crucial steps that would contribute to the overall quality of your legal blog.

So, how should it be done anyway? The simple answer: streamline your content creation process.

Why Should You Consider Lawyer SEO In Your Content Creation?

Law firm content marketing is closely tied to attorney SEO. For your legal blogs to attract new clients, they must first be discoverable. If no one finds them, no one will read them. One way to ensure your legal blogs are found is to rank in the SERPs.

Hence, aside from writing good content, you must keep track of your keywords and links to ensure your content is pushed in front of your target audience. This means there’s more you need to consider when creating your legal blog’s content.

4 Tips On Setting Up Your Law Firm’s Blog Content Calendar

Let’s look at a few crucial steps you should do to ensure you have a reasonable and productive content creation schedule:

Tip #1: Account For Every Step Of Your Process

Writing high-quality legal content involves a lot of research and editing. This means your process doesn’t start or end with typing the text to your blog posts. Instead, you’ll need to research topics, select keywords, proofread, edit, and do other optimizations.

Don’t just count the time you’ll need to write things down. You’ll rush your preparations and editing, leading to missing and unchecked information, grammar and spelling errors, and missed linking opportunities.

Moreover, since you’re competing with millions of pages in the SERPs, falling behind in any way will cost your law firm marketing ROI. Sometimes, one too many misspelled words, slow loading speeds, and a poor choice of font are enough for people to click away. Your entire pre-planning, writing, and editing process will all contribute to the quality of the content and the end user’s experience.

Tip #2: Set Reasonable Deadlines

One crucial thing you should always do is to set reasonable deadlines. These deadlines are meant to guide your workflow but shouldn’t put you in too much time crunch. Rushing only leads to more mistakes, missing topics and discussions, and lacking optimizations.

So, for example, if it takes you one week to research, draft, edit, and optimize a post, you should stick with that. But, on the other hand, forcing yourself to do the same quality of work for so little time typically doesn’t end well.

Remember, posting low-quality content that’s wrong, incomplete, has grammar and spelling errors, and has bad backlinks negatively affects your SEO. So, not only does low-quality content fail to yield ROI, it can actually pull your rankings down.

Even if you luck out on producing a good batch of legal blogs in the first few days, you’ll eventually start burning out and running out of ideas. Moreover, since you’re not giving yourself ample time to research, you’ll likely write about the same things repeatedly.

Tip #3: Aim For Consistency

Every SEO newbie is given one essential piece of advice for content: quality over quantity.

Most newbie content marketers who end up rushing their legal blogs are trying to achieve the impossible task of producing high-quality content in so little time. Unfortunately, publishing multiple high-quality posts daily is challenging and unsustainable unless you have an entire team working for you.

So, instead of aiming for constant time crunches, strive to be more consistent. For example, if it takes one week to research, outline, write, edit, and optimize a high-quality legal post, aim for a consistent one-post-a-week content schedule. This will ensure every blog you post gets good traffic, ranks well, and contributes to your law firm marketing efforts.

Remember, a few great posts that all rank well is better than dozens of low-quality legal blogs that would eventually harm your Lawyer SEO and content marketing efforts.

Tip #4: Do Some Pre-Planning

Pre-planning helps speed up the process quite a bit.

While you’re researching topics, you see some excellent articles and news stories. Even if you’re not researching that topic right now, bookmarking a page, taking notes, and saving some references can be helpful for your next blog post.

One simple, time-saving tip is to have a list of planned topics before starting a new project. Then, you can list your keywords alongside those topics, so you know which one to optimize for, how often they should appear on your blog post, and what the content will be. So, instead of spending your research time trying to figure out what to write about, you can get right to it.

You can also create an excel sheet with your keywords, internal links, publishing dates, working titles, etc. This is to keep things easier to manage and reoptimize even after you publish your posts.

That way, it won’t feel like you’re starting from scratch each time you start a new blog post.


Remember, law firm content marketing is more than just the text of your legal blog. It involves research, good writing, excellent site design, and well-implemented SEO. Therefore, you have more to gain by focusing on the quality and optimization of your blogs than by carelessly churning out as much content as possible.

You want careful pre-planning, ample time to do work, and reasonable deadlines. You should focus on the quality, even if it doesn’t let you produce daily content. If you want to make more content, it’ll be better for your marketing strategy to hire a legal contract writer instead.

Author’s Bio

JC Serrano is the founder of, one of the very few private enterprises certified to process lawyer referrals by the California State Bar. His marketing strategies have continuously evolved since 2005, incorporating ever-changing SEO strategies into

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