Eric Dalius Explains the Brand Building Tactics of Entrepreneurs

Building your brand is not a cakewalk. Be it brainstorming product ideas, growing your customer base, and meandering through the legal hoops, modern entrepreneurs have little time for themselves, let alone the mammoth task of creating a robust brand. Seasoned marketing professional Eric Dalius know about the hard work and determination associated with the setting up of a brand image, visibility, and relevance for the targeted customers, as well as the constant effort of adding value to your brand. 

According to an article published on Adlibweb, 2020 is an age of personal brand building and all firms need to work as an individual brand and its accurate positioning to reach out to their targeted audience. Here is how: 

Eric J Dalius asking to play the 20 questions 

When you look for motivation, it is imperative to evaluate your motives as well. For instance, choosing a business logo just because it looks cool is not a logical thing to do. You will need to brainstorm and engage in brand building activities that mirror your company’s image, not stuff that you like or those looking good. 

You need to be on the right track and therefore, play the 20 questions, implying asking and answering questions related to your business products, culture, and objectives. It will let you gain some perspective about your firm’s existing identity or the lack of it, and choose brand-related logos, design to align with your company’s persona and targeted audience. 

Do not forget print design 

Today, everything is digital, but then human beings are not virtual and therefore, the best way to reach out to your audience, sometimes is through tangible things. It helps you to build a physical connection with your brand. EJ Dalius, therefore, recommends print design, which not only looks awesome but also helps clients understand essential aspects related to your business. 

For instance, business card design that looks unconventional and diverges from its standard look, shape or size means innovative design and out-of-the-box thought processes. Did you know that the touch of thick paper gives a sophisticated feel, and non-paper business cards communicate a brand message through plastic, wood, or for that matter other exceptional materials? 

Leverage the power of social media

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn are some of the effectual ways to promote your brand and reach out to a huge audience base. Did you know Facebook has over 500 million members? Again, advanced social tools such as Instagram help you to connect your brand with millions, with those whom you possibly would not have associated otherwise. 

Social media sites have their personas to boost your brand image, as customers would connect their predefined ideas of these social platforms with your business. For example, Twitter is idiosyncratic and fun, LinkedIn signifying professionalism, and Instagram catering to an audience who loves visuals. 


The key to the success of building a powerful and effective brand is chalking out a plan as soon as you can. You need to set up your business goals in the first place so that you can present your business as a reliable brand over all the marketing channels.