A List of the Top Ways You Can Enhance Your SEO Efforts This Year

A List of the Top Ways You Can Enhance Your SEO Efforts This Year

A List of the Top Ways You Can Enhance Your SEO Efforts This Year

SEO or search engine optimisation may have been around for a while, but it doesn’t mean that it’s obsolete in the ever-changing world of digital marketing. Far from it. SEO is more necessary than ever, and if you don’t have your SEO efforts down pat, you could very well be missing out on maximising – and benefitting from – your website’s real potential. The competition out there is quite fierce, and your website needs to be at the top of its game in terms of your SEO strategies. But how can you then enhance your SEO efforts this year? Here’s a list of the top ways you can do so. 

Check the loading speed of your pages

First things first – are your pages loading as quickly as they can? Keep in mind that the average attention span of many internet users is akin to the attention span of a 5-year old, so your pages need to load quickly and efficiently. Google will also mark (and remember) it if your pages load too slowly, and this can lead to a lower ranking on the search engine. 

The average user will essentially abandon your website if it takes more than three seconds for your pages to load, and what’s even more alarming is that more than half of Internet users will no longer return to your site if they visited the first time and it loaded too slowly. You need to figure out how to optimise your pages’ speed and the response time of your server, and if you test your site and it’s too slow, it may be due to your plugins and site theme consider changing this as well.

Focus on creating high-quality, valuable and relevant content

Here’s a question for you: how long does it take before you make changes to or update your site? If you have not even updated it since you launched it, your SEO rank may not be the greatest. You need to give your visitors a reason to visit your site – and stay, which brings us to the question of content. Needless to say, your content must be recent, high-quality, and valuable and relevant, as suggested by the web design Cheshire professionals from It’sEeze. But there is yet one more factor that can affect your SEO ranking, and this is the ‘dwell time’ of your visitors. It’s simply the amount of time visitors spend on your site. It follows that if you have a site that features engaging, interesting, and exciting information, then your visitors tend to stay for a longer time, thus improving your site’s ‘dwell time.’

Maximise your site images

 Without a doubt, pictures and graphics can do a lot for your site’s SEO ranking as well. But how can you optimise and maximise your site images? Think about their size and the file format because images that are too big can slow down the loading time of your pages. It’s best to compress images or resize them, so your site pages load faster, and it’s also a good idea to ‘name’ your images with keywords. Another thing you can do is use keywords strategically in your image titles alongside the description or caption.

Image attributed to Pixabay.com

Tags: seo
Nick Loggie:
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