9 Tech Tips Remote Digital Marketers Can Use To Improve Their Work-Life Balance

9 Tech Tips Remote Digital Marketers Can Use To Improve Their Work-Life Balance

Despite the convenience of working from home, your productivity can dip, and work can pile up on you quickly. Try the following hacks, tricks, and tips to boost your creativity, efficiency, and productivity.

1. Use Digital Wellness Apps

If you need to improve your focus to stay on task, you may already have a digital wellness app preloaded on your devices. Consider using programs that block notifications so you can dig into an hour or two of deep work. Some software even denies you access to time-wasting apps and websites during pre-scheduled moments.

2. Keep Your Data Secure

Rely on cloud storage to automatically back up your documents and projects so you never lose valuable work. Consider investing in advanced backup services that store data in multiple locations to keep information disaster-proof.

A power outage never comes at a convenient time, so remain prepared to continue functioning to some degree with a battery back up. A mobile Wi-Fi device can provide you with enough connectivity to finish saving a project when your home Internet connection goes down.

3. Use Noise-Canceling Software and Hardware

Help yourself concentrate with headphones that block the noise of family, housemates, or outside activity. Help clients and teammates pay attention to you during calls with apps that mute background noise. Ensure that your microphone is of superior quality and has built-in noise-canceling features.

4. Improve Your Lighting

While video conferencing with partners and customers, give yourself the most professional appearance by perfecting the office lighting. Smart lights allow you to dim your illumination or even change colors to provide an optimal impression. Try to eliminate glare and place soft lighting in front of you for a flattering look.

5. Synchronize Calendars With Others

Simplify scheduling meetings and alerting others when you’re away with shared calendars. You can add calendar notifications to team communication and collaboration apps so fellow workers know your availability.

6. Sign Up for Continuing Education

Keep your skills sharp with any extra time you have on hand. A simple 20 to 30 minutes daily can earn you additional marketable skills and certificates to add to your resume. Research online video learning platforms to find the best deals and courses. Some programs allow you to take college courses for free or pay to receive more hands-on guidance, take an assessment, and receive credentials.

7. Keep the Children Educated and Engaged

You can’t be free to handle every question and concern of your kids, but you don’t want them to plop down in front of the TV or tablet and waste hours on mind-numbing junk. Investigate interactive courses and virtual field trips that allow them to study and visit fascinating locations. Have them report back on their findings to the family at dinner.

8. Consider a Smart Home Assistant

Make scheduling reminders and knocking out assignments easier with a smart home speaker and assistant, allowing you to call out for information or create a to-do list. While cleaning, exercising, or lounging in the tub, you don’t have to worry about forgetting an important activity that just popped in your head because you can ask your assistant for help.

9. Conquer Stress With Virtual Therapy

Remote work can become very lonely and place enormous pressure on you. Research business coaches or counseling that you can do conveniently through video or phone. Check your health care plan to see what discounted resources are available to you or free assistance you can obtain.

Working from home presents a wonderful opportunity but also unique challenges. Avail yourself of excellent tech tools to ease your load and enjoy your digital marketing career. SOme services are available in other languages such as Spanish. The services can treat: anxiety, depression, panic attacks and a wide range of other conditions – all online.

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