8 Types of SMM Content to Use in 2020

Social media marketing is a relatively new concept which is quite different from other traditional forms of marketing, like telemarketing. But despite its relatively short lifespan, SMM has experienced several changes over the years. Sure-bet practices that worked in the past are no longer as effective. As a result, marketers are now looking for more solid ways of getting and retaining a wider audience while spending less.

But what kind of content attracts the most eyes? How can I reach a larger audience without comprising my company’s values?

Well, the truth is that you can now compete on par with a pro marketing company on Instagram without spending a dime. You just need to focus your efforts on the most effective medium suitable to your audience. If you are catering to a younger audience, a pro essay writer will always be a great acquisition for your business. More often it is better to trust professionals in writing complex texts.

Let’s dive straight into discovering the most effective SMM content in 2020.

User-oriented content

Your business or product should always revolve around the customers. What do they want and how can you address their needs?

Start by studying the market to find modern trends in your industry. Don’t restrict your research to one platform: extend your market survey to all social media sites. Gathering enough information about consumer behavior will streamline your company’s goals.

Posting questionnaires will also help you understand the consumers better. They will inadvertently provide you with data, and you should reciprocate by offering a service. People love buying things when they feel an attachment or a sense of understanding from the person selling it.

AR and VR

It seems everyone is fed up with our current reality. We are always looking for something new — the next big thing. We want to be at the forefront of innovation. Currently, virtual and augmented reality are massive hits. 

Your company should have at least one media content that involves virtual reality. Even if you cannot offer the VR experience, you can hire a pro essay writer to replicate it in writing.

Webinars and Live Streams

Now that people spend most of their time indoors and cinemas are not yet open, people prefer watching live streams and webinars. 

Check this out: people will watch multiple hours of pro gamers on Twitch. Don’t you think they have the patience to sit through a few hours of exciting content? 

If you think long-form content doesn’t attract younger audiences, you are mistaken. Take a look at Joe Rogan’s podcast and the engagement globally. A 3-hour episode with a random has-been garners millions of views only on Youtube.

Without going into analytics, you can create such long-form content for your business. It is not even compulsory to aggressively market your product to be successful. Focus on bringing value to people, and your business will sell itself.

Another reason why such media content is in high demand is that they can be easily digested. You can listen to a podcast during your early morning run.

Smart Phone with Paper Cut Social Media Icons in Speech Bubble

Long reads

Just like long-form media, writing blog posts and articles will always push your product to the targeted heights. Find a specific niche and hire an essay writer for you.

But this doesn’t mean you should avoid short reads entirely. Hire essay writers online to provide top-notch articles.

Once again, the post should provide value to the user. Lifehack posts and informative articles will always attract more readers. You can alternate with useful tools for students and other career advice.

E-books are also effective disseminators of useful information. Some people prefer downloading e-books and reading them offline. And if you are trying to promote a book, this will provide the perfect platform for your product.

Interactive content

Once you have established a loyal customer base, the next step is to keep them interested. Jump on current trends. Ride on meme waves. Address current trending topics in your target niche. 

You can always post a riddle or a meme to increase engagement. Use your content to engage your customers. Don’t forget to wish them a Happy Valentine or other international holidays.

Influencer-generated content

Now, if you lack the skill to create the required content for your marketing campaign, hire specialists. You can also contact influencers whose engagement pool intersects with yours. They will take charge of creating the content and providing a link to your services.

Find a writer with a proven track record of delivering high quality. You can also ask them to make guest posts on your website or blog. We don’t recommend hiring an essay writer free if you want high-end written content.

Personalize graphics

Hire a freelance designer instead of downloading stock images and vectors for your website. This will give your marketing campaign a distinctive personality: people love originality. 

Consider providing short, interactive animations and videos to tell your brand story. 


Quoting stats always makes us sound more in-tune with any topic. This explains why people are always in search of condensed facts to spew at dinner parties or barbecues. Focus your content on statistical data presented on charts and graphs.

A business is only as successful as its willingness to diversify and adapt to the changing landscape. You can market your content through long-form media or long reads. You can also include trendy topics to bring more light to your business. But you must identify your audience and cater to them. Hire professional writers and designers to give your product an original outlook. 

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