6 Steps to Start a Student Blog [infographic]

6 Steps to Start a Student Blog

6 Steps to Start a Student Blog

Instagram, Tik-Tok, reels, stories, hashtags, posting time, trends…

Does your heart start racing when you hear these words?

Then you’ve come to the right place! Read on to find out how to start your own blog and share your world online.

Blogging is beneficial for everyone, but especially for students.

Here’s why:

1.     Blogging stimulates self-expression. If you feel something itching inside of you – some potential that craves to be poured out – a blog is the place for it.

2.     Regular blogging promotes creativity and analytical thinking. When you run a blog regularly, there’s no way you won’t come up with new ideas time after time.

3.     Blogging helps to turn talents into benefits. Use your blog as a portfolio – people will be able to see what you can do. This will also help track your transformation and development.

4.     Blogging develops soft skills. By socializing with people online, you learn how to communicate. Don’t underestimate the ability to collaborate and handle feedback effectively.

5.     Blogging expands your worldview. Our experiences are so unique! Sharing with each other helps us all grow.

We’re living in relatively peaceful times. But still, how many problems arise daily! If you are interested in particular phenomena or events, have a consistent opinion, why not share this with others?

  • You can choose a particular niche or embrace everything in your blog. It can be a multidisciplinary blog about culture, politics, environment, or economics.
  • Be mindful that there are lots of blogs out there already. Find your unique angle and point of difference
Nick Loggie:
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