14 best Food affiliate programs to bulk out your bank balance in 2020
The food niche is as evergreen as they come.
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But the problem with most evergreen markets is that they’re usually overflowing with affiliate marketing and authority sites.
You could find yourself struggling to find an angle that allows you to compete.
The good news is that in this blog post we share some excellent – and very niche – food affiliate programs for you to promote.
Just for a change, we’re not going to present you with stats on what the food industry is worth because…well…people need to eat or they’ll die.
And the other neat thing is we’ve even found programs that will appeal to pretty much anyone you can think of.
From food bloggers to gamers.
So, let’s get straight to it.
Home Chef Affiliate Program
The people behind Home Chef understand that cooking meals takes time.
And that’s without the nightmare of getting home from work only to realize you’re missing a key ingredient for your dinner.
The mere mention of the word “convenience” instantly elicits an image of junk food in some people.
But Home Chef allows you to eat well and enjoy the convenience of having your meals delivered to your door.
All the food ingredients you need in one box.
Like Teriyaki-glazed salmon or turkey chili with cornbread.
*stomach grumbles*
Oh, and your customers can order from a pre-defined menu or create their own meals instead.
So that means there are endless meal choices available.
Home Chef isn’t the only food delivery affiliate program, but it is one of the most profitable.
True, you only get a $10 commission for each sale, but their 30-day cookie allows for multiple instances (sales).
This basically means you get paid for every order a new customer makes within their first 30 days.
So you’ll make about $40 per successful referral.
Top-performing affiliates are also eligible for bonuses.
URL: Home Chef affiliate program
Commission rate: $10 per sale
EPC: $127.84
Cookie duration: 30 days
Sun Basket Affiliate Program
In an ideal world, we’d all eat healthier meals and produce less waste.
Finding the time to be more environmentally conscious is what stops many people from adopting that lifestyle though.
Sun Basket helps you overcome that hurdle by delivering meals made with seasonal, organic ingredients to your door.
And you’re not tied into a contract with them – you just order what you want, when you want it.
In terms of ingredients, none of their products contains hormones or antibiotics, making them far healthier for you.
They also have pre-set meals to support a number of dietary and lifestyle choices such as paleo, vegan, gluten-free, pescatarian, as well as the more standard Chef’s Choice meals
Each meal takes around 30 minutes to prepare, and the packaging is compostable, so there’s literally no waste involved.
Your visitors can save time, save money and reduce their carbon footprint all in one fell swoop.
This program makes healthy living a breeze.
Affiliates have the opportunity to earn $20 per sale, but the average affiliate commission is $89, plus they have a massive EPC.
So this would suggest that a typical transaction contains multiple items.
It also tells you that visitors are happy to spend money with them, which explains why this program is in the top 5 programs on ShareASale.
This one is a no-brainer.
URL: Sun Basket affiliate program
Commission rate: $20 per sale
EPC: $560.32
Cookie duration: Up to 30 days
Hello Fresh Affiliate Program
Hello Fresh is another meal delivery service, but with a key difference – they’re global.
Most of their competitors focus on a specific geographical region.
But Hello Fresh has offices in North America, the UK, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.
This is why they claim to be the “…leading global provider of fresh food at home” – because they are.
In terms of what your audience can order, they can choose between plant-based meals or mix in lots of healthy proteins instead.
The overall cost of a meal is $7.49 per serving, or less than a burger, fries, and soda.
And their meals won’t clog up your arteries.
Something else that stood out is that Hello Fresh is making better use of social media than most of their competitors.
The #hellofreshpics tag is a perfect example of this.
Affiliates get paid $10 for a meal plan subscription, or $15 for a wine plan subscription, so there’s lots of potential here.
One way to get some extra leverage with your audience is to mention that they’re not tied into a contract with Hello Fresh.
Just order when you need to, and don’t when you don’t.
Commission rate: $10 – $15
EPC: $117.73
Cookie duration: 14 days
California Wine Club Affiliate Program
The Catalina Wine Mixer – Pow!
Nope, this is the California Wine Club, but bonus points if you get the movie reference ☺
It’s a timeless movie reference, Gael…timeless.
The perfect glass of wine is the ideal accompaniment to a delicious meal.
But most mass-produced wines taste like they were fermented in an old boot.
That’s why your visitors might prefer the artisan wines offered as part of their membership to the California Wine Club.
Every bottle comes direct from a family-owned vineyard and winery, and they reject more wines than they accept.
It’s only when your audience gets to taste wines that haven’t had tons of additives mixed in that they’ll finally get to savor what real wines taste like.
And it’s nothing like the bitter vinegar you see most people guzzling with their dinner.
Wine fans and wannabe sommeliers are happy to spend an unhealthy amount of cash on a bottle of wine.
And you can see that reflected in the $170+ average order size.
Enough to pay for a week’s groceries for an entire family.
Affiliates get a 15% cut of that, so you’ll make $35 – $40 per sale.
URL: California Wine Club affiliate program
Commission rate: 15%
EPC: $154.00
Cookie duration: Up to 90 days
Mama Sezz Affiliate Program
You’ve decided to eat a plant-only based diet because you’ve heard it’s healthier for you.
But did you know that not all vegan meals are created equal?
Certain vegan food combinations can be bad news.
So instead of guessing what works and what doesn’t, your visitors can let MamaSezz create the perfect meals for them.
Each of their meal choices is backed by the latest findings in nutritional science, offering your body the fuel it needs.
But even better you don’t have to do any cooking – just heat and eat.
Remember, that somewhere around 20 million people in North America now identify as vegan, so even tapping into a tiny portion of that market will be profitable.
Plus food won’t go out of fashion any time soon.
You’ll earn 10% per sale when promoting Mama Sezz products.
Their “Get Me Started Bundle” costs $169, so you’re looking at $16.90 in commission from referrals trying out their basic package.
And their EPC tells us that affiliates are making regular money promoting their product range.
URL: Mama Sezz affiliate program
Commission rate: 10% per sale
EPC: $87.61
Cookie duration: 365 days
Universal Yums Affiliate Program
And now for something a little sweeter to counterbalance the savory in the form of Universal Yums!
So far, each of our affiliate programs has focused on healthy foods, but not this one.
Subscribers receive a box of tasty snacks, but each month features goodies from a different country.
The boxes include things like cookies, chips, and candies from all over the world.
Your visitors can choose between the basic ‘Yum Box’, the mid-range ‘Yum Yum Box”, or the deluxe ‘Super Yum Box’.
Prices start as low as $13.75 per month and go all the way up from there.
Snacks are a “food”, right?
I love clever affiliate programs and Universal Yums is a perfect example of turning a “hobby” into a business.
Affiliates make $10 per sale, but this program has a claimed 34.45% conversion rate.
Long story short, there’s a good chance that better than 1-in-3 of your visitors will make a purchase from Universal Yums.
They’ll also send you a tester box to review after you’ve made your first 10 sales.
URL: Universal Yums affiliate program
Commission rate: $10 per sale
EPC: $95.40
Cookie duration: 30 days
Eat Better Meals Affiliate Program
You’ve probably noticed a trend here in that a lot of these food affiliate programs focus on home-delivered meals.
And you’d be right because Eat Better Meals is another fine example of how helping people save time and eat more nutritious meals can make you money.
The founder, Dan Gross, started his business by accident.
It came about as a result of him changing his diet, and exercising to lose weight.
But he paid attention to what he was eating, replacing junk food with meals made from fresh and healthy ingredients.
Then his friends asked him to prepare meals for them.
And the rest is history.
As a general rule, consumers love underdog stories, especially ones about weight loss.
So that explains why this food offer converts so well.
This affiliate program pays 10% per referred sale and has an EPC of $223.16.
And as you can see, they’ve cut hundreds of affiliate checks.
The Eat Better Meals affiliate program is only available via the Refersion Marketplace, so you’ll need to sign up with their affiliate network.
URL: Eat Better Meals affiliate program
Commission rate: 10%
EPC: $223.16
Cookie duration: 30 days
Peapod Groceries Affiliate Program
The Peapod grocery delivery service has been around since 1989.
Weathering the storm of the Dot Com Bust, they now claim to be “…the largest online internet grocery shopping and delivery service”.
And to be fair, they’re one of the only independent companies offering this type of service.
Unlike the subscription box services featured elsewhere in the roundup, Peapod is a general-purpose grocery delivery service.
So your visitors can order everything from food and snacks to pet, home and garden goods, and even alcoholic drinks.
So they can do their entire week’s shopping without ever setting foot inside a busy grocery store.
The only real downside here is that Peapod isn’t available nationwide – they currently serve several states, but they don’t offer nationwide coverage.
So, Amazon Fresh isn’t quite shaking in its boots…yet.
First-time shoppers get $20 off their first order once it’s worth more than $75.
Which is a nice incentive to get your audience shopping with them.
Affiliates promoting the Peapod program are paid a flat $10 per sale.
So you’ll need to send a volume of pre-qualified traffic to make job replacement income here.
Or alternatively, just use this as an ancillary program to help you make money online.
URL: Peapod affiliate program
Commission rate: $10 per sale
EPC: $39.64
Cookie duration: 30 days
Art of Tea Affiliate Program
The brand name ‘Art of Tea’ makes me want to run away and fight beside Moritsugu Katsumoto.
Which will make sense if you’ve seen ‘The Last Samurai’…which everyone has, right?
What this company is about are all things tea, teaware, and accessories.
They import and blend teas from around the world, including rare and “gourmet” teas from Asia, India, Africa, and the Middle East.
Your audience can choose from loose-leaf or sachet tea blends, including specialized beverages like Matcha, Oolong or Pu-erh.
You’ll also find non-caffeinated teas for people who enjoy the taste of tea but not the caffeine buzz that comes with drinking it.
Basically, this company dedicates itself to offering customers the best tea products from around the world.
Your referrals can save time by signing up for their “Tea Club”, ideal for those who are always looking to try new and exciting tea blends.
The first thing to point out is that this affiliate program has a pretty high ‘Power Rank’ score on the ShareASale affiliate network.
Basically, it’s outperforming 70% of other affiliate programs on ShareASale.
So the $11 commission you earn per sale might not be enough to retire on, but you’ll make a lot of individual sales if you can get a volume of traffic to their landing pages.
This is an affiliate program most food bloggers should consider.
Commission rate: 10%
EPC: $84.13
Cookie duration: 90 days
Spicentice Affiliate Program
My girlfriend loves watching reality TV shows like “Master Chef” and “My Kitchen Rules.”
I’d rather throw some bricks into a tumble dryer, climb in and, turn it on.
But if I’ve learned nothing else from these shows it’s that seasoning can make or break a dish.
Spicentice takes all the guesswork out of which seasoning to use in a given situation.
Instead, you can rely on their meal kits to give your dish that kick in the pants it so badly needs.
You’ll find everything from basic Italian seasoning packs to Moroccan tagine spices and even gourmet fry seasoning.
They also sell chili peppers, and yes, they have Carolina Reapers.
And no, we don’t recommend eating them as a dare.
The earlier idea of being inside a tumble dryer filled with bricks is probably less painful.
It’s also worth mentioning that their entire product range is free of nuts, gluten and sesame seeds.
You could promote this program on any site, or social channel, that discusses food or cooking, beer, gaming, or any audience that enjoys flavorsome or spicy foods.
You could write a single blog post review for each spice package if you wanted to.
Affiliates get a 10% cut of every sale, and this program has a surprisingly high EPC considering they sell spice packs that cost as little as $2 each.
There are tons of international food affiliate programs. UK affiliates though can promote Spicentice as a more “regional” offer.
But they do ship internationally, with the exception of Australia.
URL: Spicentice affiliate program
Commission rate: 10%
EPC: $55.79
Cookie duration: 30 days
Vital Choice Affiliate Program
One of the best parts of putting together these roundups is finding random food businesses and their affiliate programs.
Like Vital Choice – a company that sells tinned and fresh seafood, shellfish, organic beef, chicken and pork, and even bone broth.
Broth, for those who don’t know, is a liquid made by simmering bones, meat or vegetables for at least 12 hours.
They also sell frozen berries, oils, numerous vinegars, chocolate, marinades, and dressings.
All of their food products are made from sustainable, antibiotic-free sources, and their beef is grass-fed.
You can choose to buy either individual products, or you can sign up for a “Vital Box” subscription.
Starting at $129 per month, you get 14+ servings of salmon food items (fillets, sausages, burgers) delivered to your front door.
And you have the peace of mind of knowing that everything in that box is good for you.
This is an ideal affiliate program to promote to anyone who needs a high-protein diet.
Potential audiences include bodybuilders, high performance and endurance athletes, and anyone trying to lose weight.
Now let’s break down the somewhat commission structure for this food affiliate program.
A Vital Choice affiliate will receive a 4% commission on any purchase made by a new customer.
But you also get a 1% cut on any purchase made by returning customers.
So there’s a tacit option for recurring income here.
All subscription box purchases pay a flat $25 commission per sale.
We’re not huge fans of their 7-day cookie, but you can always try negotiating that with them once you’ve proven you can make them money.
Commission rate: Up to $25
EPC: $70.04
Cookie duration: 7 days
Catalina Crunch Affiliate Program
Nope, no movie reference this time.
Catalina Crunch is the breakfast cereal you’ve probably always wanted but didn’t know you needed.
Most cereals are just bowl after bowl of sugar and empty carbs.
This one, on the other hand, contains zero sugar and is also Keto and vegan-friendly.
So that means you’ll stay feeling full for longer, and you also won’t have to deal with a sugar “crash” later in the day.
Which is the point where most people reach for a Danish or a donut to snack on.
It also claims to help improve your gut health, but I’m not a doctor so I’ll have to take their word on that.
Catalina Crunch is available in “Cinnamon Toast” “Maple Waffle”, “Honey Graham” and “Dark Chocolate” flavors.
Your visitors can get a 30-day supply of this artisanal cereal for less than $50.
One definite audience to promote this offer to is overly-concerned/helicopter parents.
They’re always looking for the best food for their kids, and money tends not to be a barrier.
From an affiliate’s perspective, you can expect to earn $10 per sale referred through your affiliate links.
Which is pretty good considering you’re selling “handmade” breakfast cereal.
Oh, and their affiliate manager will not accept applications from coupon sites.
URL: Catalina Snacks affiliate program
Commission rate: Up to 100%
EPC: $66.03
Cookie duration: 30 days
Eat Your Coffee Affiliate Program
Coffee is one of life’s simple pleasures.
But there’s nothing worse than starting your day without your favorite cuppa Joe.
Now with Eat your Coffee, you can take your caffeine kick with you wherever you go.
Each of their caffeine-infused bars contains the same amount of caffeine as a strong cup of coffee.
Their coffee beans are sourced entirely from Fair Trade suppliers.
So the farmers get paid more fairly, the sources are sustainable, and you get to enjoy some of the best caffeine nature has to offer.
The potential market for Eat Your Coffee products is huge.
They’re an ideal pre-workout snack for fitness enthusiasts, for the busy commuter, for studious students, pro gamers, or for office workers who desperately need to beat that 3pm slump.
And the fact they come in tasty flavors like “Fudgy Mocha Latté” and “Peanut Butter Mocha” is just an added bonus.
Affiliates will receive a flat $20 commission for every order received through their affiliate links.
You can offer people the benefit of an energy drink but without the potentially harmful side effects of one.
The beauty of this program is you can promote it to anyone who enjoys drinking coffee, which is hundreds of millions of people around the world.
Every bleary-eyed hero and heroine who needs coffee to kickstart their day.
URL: Eat Your Coffee affiliate program
Commission rate: $20 per sale
EPC: $61.83
Cookie duration: 90 days
Kettle & Fire Affiliate Program
Kettle & Fire was started by the Mares brothers in 2013.
Their goal was to find a broth that helped with their overall health and their ability to recover from sports injuries.
No store-bought broth was up to scratch because they were loaded down with additives or preservatives.
So they set about making their own broth, and the Kettle&Fire brand was born.
Their products contain only organic ingredients, including non-GMO vegetables and grass-fed beef bones.
And they’re also simmered for 20 hours in a steel kettle, hence the company name.
Bone broth has a lot of suggested health benefits.
Apparently it’s great for your skin, your gut health, your joints and even as part of a controlled diet for weight loss.
To be honest, after researching this company I’m going to cook some up for my pup to see if it helps with her arthritis.
There aren’t many companies selling organic bone broth online, so you have the opportunity to be an early adopter here.
You’ll get paid a 20% commission per sale.
So with an average product value of $47, you should make $9.40 commission per transaction.
And with decent search volume and very little competition (like very, very little) this could be a very interesting sub-niche for food bloggers to consider.
URL: Kettle & Fire affiliate program
Commission rate: 20%
EPC: $40.35
Cookie duration: Up to 30 days
It probably won’t come as any surprise, but we could have easily featured 50 food affiliate programs in this roundup.
There are that many profitable affiliate programs out there we had to really cherry-pick.
We did not, however, include any food recipes affiliate programs because they tend to be diet-specific.
The sheer number of programs can be explained by the simple fact that people need to eat.
Plus, people are always looking for new culinary experiences.
So this is a market with permanent demand.
If you’d like to figure out how that demand can put money in your pocket, then we have a treat for you.
We’re happy to show you how to do just that – free of charge.
All you have to do is click here right now and enter your email address.
Then we’ll send you an invitation to a free 2-hour training session.
Get ready to take plenty of notes!
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